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Asset List:

Things which I will model myself:
Doors - Cell Door, Regular Door, Locked Door, Boarded Door

Floors - Small, Large, Long and Wide floors
Walls - Long Walls, Short Walls, Corner Walls and just regular Walls


Things which I am sourcing from online:

Bookshelf - Books, Shelf



Progress Update: 24/03/2022

I made modular assets, including a door wall, stairs, corner wall, long wall, small wall, wall, and floor/ceilings. The corner wall was quite annoying to make but eventually I got it to work how I wanted it to. The bars, bed, toilet and sink are imported from a sketchfab. I made my walls via the snapping grid by making a cuboid and measuring it out. I also measured out the player's hitbox, by creating a 180cm by 80cm cuboid. My Stair asset was imported from another project, I re-scaled it to fit with my floors and walls. My floors were created by stretching out a cuboid to be the same length as my walls, I created a 1x1, 1x2, 2x2, 2x4, 4x4 floor. 

My cell assets are not made by me, I imported them from turbosquid. The cell bars are made from a plane stretched into a cylindrical shape, from my examination.

modular assets for prison.png
corner wall.png

Progress Update: 31/03/2022

I created a top down map using scratch for my prison layout. I did this by using the square tool and re-shaping tools, as well as the line tool. For the text, I used the text box tool, and selected the "Pixel" font. I filled my rooms to be different colours in order to make them different. It is aesthetically pleasing. I will closely follow this map, to make things as easy as possible. I also designed the puzzles + hints for my prison, so I have clear objectives within the game, to make it more interesting.

Making the map was very easy, and satisfying. I'm glad I used scratch, despite it's simplicity, it is something I know how to use due to years of experience.

Prison Map Floor 1.png
Prison Map Floor 2.png
The Calendar Puzzle.png

Progress Update: 04/04/2022

I've started to put all my Modular assets into unreal, as well as trying to map out my prison. This is the starting cell, unfinished. No textures are here yet. I managed to put everything together via snapping, and imported my models from 3dsMax.

My modular assets ended up causing lots of problems later, due to not having their pivots in the right places. This meant there was lots of issues with snapping them together, and it became a nightmare trying to put my prison together without overlapping UVs. 

In future I know how to fix this, by creating my assets with grid snapping, and on the x,y,z coordinates of 0.

Progress 04_04_2022.png
  • What are some of the key features and tools of Substance Painter?
    Paint using dynamic brushes and particles / projections. Painter also lets you use photoshop pre-set brushes. Smart materials allow for you to add realistic details, such as subtle dust layers or wear and tear. Replicate realistic material properties such as subsurface scattering, sheen, anisotropy, or clear-coat. Keep these properties when exporting. You can export to any game engine or renderer with ease as well as creating custom export pre-sets to fit into any pipeline / workflow.



  • Adobe offers 4 versions of Substance: Substance 3D Painter, Designer, Sampler, and Stager. What do each of these do?
    Substance Painter allows for you to add textures and paint over your models + add decals.
    Substance Designer allows for you to make materials, changing their properties to reflect real-world materials.
    Substance Sampler lets you photograph images and turn them into digitized materials.
    Substance Collection lets you create 3D scenes with your assets, add lighting and materials.

  • What is good practice to prepare a 3D model before bringing it into Substance Painter? Please provide detail.
    Creating good UV maps would be good practice since you would need to know how to do that to use Substance Painter, as your models will need to be unwrapped to function.

Modular Asset Issue: 26/04/2022

My modular assets do not snap together properly, because I did not put the pivot in the right place when making the assets. I don't have time to fix it, but I have found a solution, via making the walls and floors at the 0,0,0 coordinates on the grid, and then setting the pivot to those coordinates of 0,0,0. This puts the pivot right in the corner of the object. 

I will have to manually adjust my walls and floors, to try to avoid overlapping UVs, this saves me a bit of time, but at the same time causes me an inconvenience, as I cannot make rooms quickly.

Inventory System: 26/04/2022-05/05/2022

My Inventory system works for the most part. I followed a tutorial on youtube. I need to figure out how to make the items interactive, as well as making it possible for you to use items to progress further into the game.

There was a lot of issues when making the inventory, for starters, it randomly decided to be blue, and you couldn't see anything. I managed to fix this because I figured out that the slots were inheriting blue from the background, which by default decided to be blue. I had to change the background to default to grey, and then remove inheritance from the slots. This fixed the issue.

The tutorial I followed was pretty poorly paced, going from too fast to too slow several times. This threw off my balance and made it quite difficult for me to follow, which meant I ended up wasting lots of time. The guy in the tutorial also makes a few mistakes, which while he does fix them, he fixes them in later parts of the video, and this ended up being quite annoying.

Overall, I think that the inventory has had a somewhat satisfying outcome, but I think it could've been better.

inventory progress update.png

Doors: 05/05/2022

I started to develop my doors. It's rather simple. I need to fix the pivot on the door so it can open properly, but other than that everything is fine with the doors.
There has been no issues currently when trying to implement doors, so there's not much to report on here.

Doors: 09/05/2022

I finished my doors, besides the locked and code doors. The automatic doors now work properly. I used a collision trigger box, which triggers when the player walks into the box. The box is quite wide but not very tall, to avoid doors from triggering from above or below the floors. 

When walking into the box collision, it triggers an event which I put on the time graph, to make the door move it's position upwards. When outside of the box, the door goes back to it's initial position.

my doooor.png

Calendar: 09/05/2022

I added my calendar, it's a plane with a texture on it. I decided against making
It an item that you can pickup, to make the game a little more challenging, and
encourage the player to perhaps take notes.

Progress 2022-05-09 .png

Conditional Door: 12/05/2022

I made a door which requires the book item in order to be opened. This was made by making a variable in the player character, and a gate in the door blueprint, which checks if said variable is true or false. If true, the door will open, if false, the door will not open. 

I also managed to fix my inventory, which now checks whether variables within the player are true or false. If true, the item will show up in the inventory, and if false, they will not. The items were modified to set the value to true when picked up, and also display some text telling you that you can use the item to open some doors.

Progress 12_05_2022 part 2.png
Progress 12_05_2022.png
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